Friday, February 27, 2009


omg he is here!!!!!!!!

Ahh so excited i was wondering when he would be here at school!!!!

Here is the free item and the pin!

It's ok but i wanted clothes

Here is the pin it's an O'berry at the ice burg

Cool more Puffle stuff

hey i think the white puffle will be making an arrival soon.

Bye GTG to my farm to see the horses

and don't forget the movie of surfing will be on my blog BY MONDAY
be ready!


Anonymous said...

So whats the big news i mean hes just a normal penguin like everyone else i mean its no biggy is it? I mean mimo is way cooler well even though he doesn't give anything out. Wait, he does silly me free memberships!!!:)
Ps: Good posting job, I like your cheats
My name is Max54768
I will be posting a lot.
Want to meet me ill be in the pizza perlor, how about snow cone on Friday at3:50pm? I am centeral time k?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

this website rocks!

I really want to meet rockhopper and see the video of you surfing