Monday, March 30, 2009

April Fools party another Sneek Peek

It's April Fool's Day on Wednesday, and you know what that means... Anything is possible while we celebrate silliness during this wacky party in Club Penguin! everyone will be waddling around with their friends in search of special boxes that will warp you to another part of the island! There are a lot of surprises for everyone, and some special things for members!

Sorry Non Members:(
I will get you a pic of the special things for Members tho!!

Looks like were going to get to Paint!!!
I hope Non Members can do this!!

In Other News: There's a new Penguin Style catalog out this Friday, there is going to be some gardening gear to probably get into the season of Spring!!

Also April 2nd is when the poll closes for voting on your favorite play so vote quickly!!

I can't wait to see who one!!!!!!!


Pres said...

Who is onewa80???

Anonymous said...

SUP if you found this message then ur wierd,LOKKING AT OLD STUFF!!!ahh not cool wella any ways all the Lower case Ls look like ones lllll thats L this is one 1111111 NOW TO FINISH IIT OFFF...nothing to say so my ending sucks